Sunday, March 23, 2008
A hard habit to break
Happy Easter!

I wanted to get a cute picture of all the kids together in their Easter clothes. It was a great idea but not realistic. I am not sure when we will be able to get a good family picture again with all these kids!! :) Griffin is way too busy to ever stop and look at a camera and only wanted to hop on the trampoline and not stand still for a picture. Then there's Morgan--she just wanted to touch Mia and wouldn't put her hands down and look at me long enough for a picture . . . so this is the best shot I got after about 10 minutes of trying.
Here are my 3 sons...and Griffin is even smiling (not looking at the camera, but smiling!!)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
The Birthday Festivities
Happy Birthday Gavin!
We love your silly sense of humor!
You're the reason our children are so athletic and coordinated!
You've always chosen high-powered women to date (even in high school--pictured with the '2008 Utah business woman of the year'.),1249,655191313,00.html
You make the most handsome groom--12 years ago and today!
Happy 37th Birthday Gavin!! We love you so very much!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
So lucky to have you!
Unfortunately I forgot all about this green day until 30 mins. after all the kids left for school and was unable to remember what they had chosen to wear. Hoping they had something green to save them from lots of friendly pinches. Amazingly enough they all had some green in their outfits except for Morgan. Even 'our leprechaun' forgot about the holiday and didn't leave the usual green donuts on our porch for breakfast. Maybe next year we'll be more on the ball! We made up for it in the evening with a fun FHE at the Classic Fun Center. All the kids were able to have fun in the bounce zone and arcade. I love seeing Griffin and Morgan doing the same things as the 'big kids' and having a great time. Griffin is at such a cute age (even if he is my own 'human tornado'!!) and growing up so quickly!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Happy Birthday, Hadley!
Hadley has been so excited for her birthday and talking about it for weeks. She was worried she wouldn't be able to sleep last night with all the excitement and anticipation. She started her birthday morning with waffles and opening presents. She loves American Girl dolls and was very surprised (until she noticed she was getting the ice skates that go to the Mia doll) to get the new '2008 Girl of the Year', Mia. (I couldn't resist with having our own Mia). She also got some Disney Fairy books, swimsuits, clothes, and an American Girl mini doll, Julie. She went to school with a big smile on her face!
She chose to have ice cream sandwiches for her Birthday treat at school. Here she is with some of her friends in her classroom.
She had a "Horton hears a Who" party right after school. All of her friends came over and opened presents and sang Happy Birthday to Hadley. Unfortunately we ran out of time to actually eat any cake because we had to make the 3pm showtime. We were even a few minutes late for the movie with skipping the cake event. It definitely isn't an easy task getting 13 little girls and 1 boy to a movie theater in time! They all enjoyed the movie and treats, but were still disappointed about not getting any cake and ice cream.
Hadley got to pick her favorite restaurant for dinner--The Training Table. We all had some yummy, greasy cheese fries and sandwiches for dinner. She got lots of fun presents from her friends and is now enjoying playing with all of it!
In honor of Hadley's 7th Birthday . . . here are seven things you should know about her.
1. She loves to read. She will spend hours in her room reading fairy books, American Girl books and magazines, the scripture readers, The Friend, Magic Tree house, etc.
2. She loves dance and gymnastics. She can do a great back bend, splits, cartwheel, and front handspring. She quickly moved from Level 1 to Level 2 in gymnastics.
3. She is a great friend. She has lots of friends and is always asking if she can play with someone.
4. She can't wait to turn 8. She is very excited for her Baptism Day and birthday party at the Lion House.
5. She loves the Naked Brothers Band. She has their poster hanging in her room and wrote "I love . . ." on the top. She is not shy about sharing her crushes with the family (very different from her brothers).
6. She claims to be a Vegetarian. Ever since she realized that meat comes from animals, she won't eat it (unless it is nicely disguised in chicken nuggets or processed lunch meats). She needs reminders on how to say the word 'vegetarian' so that she is able to let her friends know.
7. She is a beautiful girl. She has a very kind and loving spirit. She is (for the most part) patient with Morgan and enjoys playing school with her and reading to her. She is a good helper to her mom.
Happy 7th Birthday, Hadley! We all love you so very much and can't believe you are already SO big!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
2 months old

It's hard to believe that you are already two months old! You have really grown a lot this past month and have lost the 'newborn look' now :(. It's hard for me to see the newborn stage leave so quickly knowing that you are my last little one. It is definitely about cherishing each little moment. You seem to be getting bigger and bigger each day. The other morning Hadley ran into the room to see you and said, "Wow! She really got big last night! She looks like she is one or something!" Well you are definitely growing but not quite a one year old yet!
You are such a happy and content little girl! You smile ALL the time and make cute little cooing sounds too. I had a neighbor watch you for a few hours yesterday while I volunteered at the school and she commented on how 'animated' you are! It's so true. I love all your big, open mouthed smiles. You seem to be especially full of smiles when you first wake up and are all rested. Hopefully your happy disposition will continue with our upcoming BIG adventure--a trip to Australia--we are hoping you'll get lots of sleep (and not much fussing) on the 20+ hour plane ride. We all love you so much. And Griffin and Morgan still can't seem to get enough of you!
I love you,
Two month Check up
Weight 11 lb. 13 oz. (73 %)
Height 23 inches (76%)
Head 15 inches (33 %)
Everything went well at her two month check up but her pediatrician did hear a heart murmur so we are going to take her to Morgan's Cardiologist for further evaluation. Unfortunately we can't get in to the cardio appointment until the end of May. I'll keep you posted.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Matchbox Twenty

Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Please don't feed the animals!
Taking a break for lunch
Jack and Ryan spent their own hard-earned money on these silly hats from the gift shop
Morgan and Griffin also had fun playing in the backyard--playing in the dirty sandbox, jumping on the trampoline and having picnics. Unfortunately we got snow a few days later. I guess we will just have to wait a little longer to really enjoy Spring!