We love Sunriver. It's a beautiful resort located in central Oregon. My family's favorite thing about Sunriver? The Rushings. Not that they live there or anything but we go there with them. All of the kids would probably be perfectly content just staying inside the rental house the entire trip. And we did let them do that one of the days. The other days we forced them out of the house to enjoy the beauty of Sun River.

I love to read but rarely get the chance to read a book. Finishing The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and starting The Help were way up there on my list of favorites from this vacation.
Cooking and Eating
Board games
Bike Rides
There are bike trails all over Sun River. It hadn't been that long since Morgan's been on her bike but she rode it like it was the first time. Very S-L-O-W-L-Y. We didn't make it very far on our bike ride and she made several bikers have to stop at the last minute and almost fall off their bikes. "On your left. On your left. ON YOUR LEFT!!!"

Scott and Gavin's favorite part of the week was their tennis match. This is the racket that Scott used. Somehow he kept coming back and eventually won using this racket. They had so much fun laughing at the sound it would make every time it made contact with the ball. Scott got to keep the racket as the winning trophy.

Hot Tubbing
Heidi had this great idea of bringing water balloons on the trip. The kids spent a lot of time filling up water balloons in the hot tub. The maintence guy spent a lot of time cleaning broken water balloons out of the jets. Water balloons quickly became the answer for anything that was broken in the house.
Coloring Mandalas
Deer Sightings
We were out to dinner and the kids were babysitting themselves when this deer came to visit. Apparently they could see his ribs and felt like he needed some food. Thinking he was used to living in the tropics, they fed him several whole bananas and oranges. Hopefully he survived their kind offerings.
Magic Shows
Gavin and Scott took Layton and Ryan golfing but decided it was easier to have them come along for the ride and not pay for their golf. It was Ryan's first time golfing since his golf classes last month. They had fun being together and Ryan enjoyed getting to practice driving and slicing and all that other stuff golfers do, like avoiding the golfing police (I know there is a more accurate name for them, but don't know what it is).
This ended up being one of my favorite activities from the trip (with my birthday massage from my mom and Heidi being a very close second). It's hard to find an activity where everyone in our family can participate. This activity was perfect. The parents and younger kids paddled down the Deschutes River in canoes while the bigger kids got to do it all on their own in a kayak. It was a very scenic ride down the river. It runs through Sun River with some of the ride being next to a golf course. Uncle Scott and Jack took advantage of all the bad golfers and got out of their boats to dive for golf balls. Morgan threw them back in the water almost as fast as Scott could find them.
Heidi lucked out and was the only adult with kids in her canoe. Layton tried his best to help paddle the canoe but I think Heidi would've been better off rowing all by herself. Theircanoe ended up in lots of trees and bushes on the side of the river.

The Rushing Family
A video recap of all the fun!
(I gotta do something to compete with Ryan's post and Heidi's post. Jack told me it was dumb that we were all blogging about the same stuff and then added, "Sorry mom but Heidi's blog wins for being the funniest.")
I have to disagree. I think Ryan's blog is the funniest! I did enjoy your slideshow though! Keep 'em coming, I am enjoying your posts! Makes me miss our vacation though :(
Loved the video...how cute with Morgan with paddling! (Also, why do I have to sign on every time I make a comment on your blog!)
Because Ryan signed you out of your google account last night while we were over. He was working on his blog.
Jack loved the part when you said we left bright and early at 7 am . . . somewhere in the world. I went back and editted my post a little more so that it wasn't such blatant copyright violation of your blog.
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