We started the celebrations on Friday with a Stewart Family BBQ at my sister's home. It was a beautiful night, the kids played and played while the adults enjoyed yummy food and great conversation.

All of the Stewart cousins (20 total). We should've had grandma and grandpa get in this picture with all of their grandchildren!
BBQ picnic in the backyard
We celebrated on Saturday by going to The Stadium of Fire with Carrie Underwood. It was amazing. I had chills the entire evening and not just because I forgot my jacket. It's the perfect way to celebrate the 4th and be reminded of what we are celebrating. The event was broadcasted live to all of our troops overseas. Every branch of the military was honored. Eagle scouts were honored. And our country was honored. And then Carrie Underwood topped it all off with her incredible voice and talent and reminding us all to honor God and let "Jesus take the wheel".
Getting ready for the show to start
They had all of the Eagle Scouts stand up in the stadium. Gavin decided to remain standing just a little longer than everyone else since they never told them to sit down.
Amazing evening with an incredible sunset!
Hadley and Karsyn try out their fireworks glasses
And we were so lucky to have the Rushings in town to go with us. Kennedy got us all ready on the drive down to Provo with some good Carrie Underwood tunes. Apparently mine were a little dated.
We started the celebrations with early morning church on Sunday the 4th. Ryan was surprised in Sacrament Meeting that the songs we were singing were hymns. I think he even tried to argue with me that they weren't hymns even though we were singing them right out of the hymnal. The best hymns ever are saved for this week.
Mia and Morgan ready for church
Then we had a BBQ/Fireworks celebration with the Seal Family at Trevor's house. It was surprisingly cold for a July night. We ended the night with lots of fireworks (thanks to Scott who spent way too much on over-priced fireworks). Griffin was upset because he didn't have cool headphones like his cousin, Zach. Morgan and Mia stayed inside and watched them from the window. Morgan is not a fan of fireworks. The loud noises scare her and she usually cries the entire time, "All done! All done! All done!" but she did better this year. Every year it's a little better and maybe one year she'll surprise us and actually enjoy the celebrating that goes along with this holiday.
My favorite part of the weekend? Carrie Underwood singing the National Anthem with fireworks blasting behind the stage and fighter jets flying above the stadium. It's a little shaky but so worth watching. She has an amazing voice!
1 comment:
Looks like so much fun. I have yet to go a Stadium of Fire event. I was actually surprised that Max didn't freak out over the fireworks. He doesn't usually like loud noises. But he didn't seem to mind :)
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