Introducing Flash . . .
Ryan's new dwarf hamster
Ryan's still not too sure about him. He's a lot smaller than his last hamster and seems to be more skittish. We're not sure if he's a biter but when in doubt wear really thick, gardening gloves, just in case. I love this cute face on Ryan. Trying his best to look up at the camera and smile and not let Flash fall out of his hands or bite him.

Love the gloves. We just went through hamster drama last month. We had a little finger muncher. So we were able to return it and my daughter was scared silly. Good luck.
Reminds me of myself trying to hold Scott's birds. Man, I hated those mean little suckers!
Oh that face is priceless! That would be my face if I was holding him!
You are a WAY, WAY better mom than me. I couldn't handle that in my house. I think I have a phobia!
Congrats on the new hamster! After Allison's hamster died a couple of weeks ago she decided to change pace, so we are now proud owners of two guinea of which will be undergoing surgery for an abcess tomorrow. The things we do for our kids :-)
Did you find out if dwarf hamsters are prone to any strange tumors before you bought it?
Jacob is an animal lover too. (Me, not so much.) I never thought we'd end up with turtles and chickens. It's not how I imagined my life would be! :)
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