(Post written by Gavin)
The Scout troop decided to go down to Snow Canyon for the February overnighter. This camp is a four hour drive south - away from the snow. I learned from the experience last year, not to allow the boys to eat several cans of Pringles on the ride down. Jack taught me this lesson the hard way. During the night, he woke up for a few seconds, and threw up all the pringles he had eaten. I can tell you that he had ingested the Salt and Vinegar variety. So, with this knowledge, there were no Pringles allowed in the car - or tent.
On the first morning, the Scout leader had the boys prepare a hike using a map and compass. We hiked along the Petrified Dunes trail while the boys took turns leading the way.
After the hike, we took to the boys to see the Mountain Meadows Massacre Memorial. Jack was able to give the history of this event as he recently learned about it in school. We didn't realize that the monument would be covered with snow, so some of the boys were still in shorts from the hike.

I have never been part of a patrol that actually has a bugler. This is Jack bugling at the Flag Ceremony.

We have a great - and patient - Scout leader that wanted to teach the boys how to chop kindling and build a fire. In this photo, Jack is taking his turn at splitting a 2x4. Notice Ryan laughing and Jack with his eyes closed. It took some time for the boys to get this task mastered.
I love this picture because Ryan was laughing at Jack while he was splitting his wood. Well, look at Ryan's first attempt at splitting the wood. Notice the handle landing squarely on the block of wood. He dropped the axe and was shaking his hands in pain from the vibration of the handle striking the wood. We all had a pretty good laugh about this.
Each boy was able to use their kindling to build a tepee and start the fire.
Snow Canyon is such a beautiful place - with so much to offer. One activity the boys really liked was our visit to the lava tubes. The boys hiked down and entered the cave.
While in the cave, we had to use our head lamps to navigate the terrain.
This is a picture without the flash. It was pitch-black inside.
On the way back to camp. The boys are running on the petrified dunes. These are sand dunes that have been hardened with time - a lot like my heart. Just kidding - I have a nice heart.
Looks like alot of fun. We are headed down South this weekend and can't wait to get out of the snow!! Your pictures made me even more excited for warmer weather.
I love that your boys are such great friends and that they get to experience such fun times together. I think Addie and Emma will have fun experiences together as they grow up. Fun times!
Gorgeous pics Heather!! Your family is so darling! Hope you're doing good!!
I tried to leave a funny comment earlier-but it didn't work. So, this boring generic one is gonna have to do.
I love the pictures-they turned out so well. The scenery looks awesome.
Looks like a fun trip--except for all the red shirts. :P
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