Our neighborhood Trunk-or-Treat was tonight. And let me just say it is quite the undertaking to get all 6 kids dressed in their costumes, hair done, fingernails painted, get myself ready in my costume and make soup to take to the dinner. After a lot of work we finally got everyone ready to go and just needed to find Mia. She was downstairs and this is what she looked like when she came upstairs to leave.

Apparently she found some halloween chocolate that she didn't really like so she held it in her mouth for 30 minutes (like she does when she doesn't like something) and let the chocolate drool drip all over her costume. Luckily we have another Tinkerbell dress that Hadley wore when she was little. Got her all cleaned up and in the other Tink dress only this time she had to wear butterfly wings. Her Tink wings only work with the new costume.
Went to get in the car and noticed that Morgan had taken off her Peter Pan costume. Got her dressed again and figured out she took off her costume because she didn't like the shoe covers. Took off the shoe covers and put on some brown boots.
Finally ready to leave to the party.
Napoleon Dynamite (Tate) and Pedro (Ryan)
How do you do it all? I think you must have as much energy and enthusiasm as when we were in elementary school! Share some with me!! Your kids and their costumes are adorable....you are a fabulous mom!!
Fun! Looks like everyone had a great time. Glad that major catastrophies were avoided by having the extra costume.
your kids are so cute! loved the pic of your daughter with chocolate all over;)
WHERE did you find those pants for Jack?
They were Lolly's (Gavin's mom) maternity pants from the 70's. The jacket was Gavin's dads. The pants are the best!
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