
I was reading through Morgan's IEP goals and evaluator's comments detailing all of the Morgan's delays in communication, reading, writing, and math in preparation for her annual IEP meeting that was scheduled this afternoon. I was dreading going to her annual IEP meeting and was having a little pity party as I read through all 9 pages. I was almost finished reading it when I clicked on facebook and read the most tragic status update.
I have a lot of friends on facebook who I've never officially met. It's probably close to 200 of my friends. Although we've never met we all share something that brings us together. A child with Down syndrome. This common bond makes it feel like we are all part of one big family. This big family is all in shock and mourning the unexpected loss of a beautiful 8 year old girl, Carly. There isn't a lot of information about what happened only the facebook status updates from today. Carly was at school yesterday and then her mom posted today on facebook that she got sick quickly and turned blue and they called 911. A few hours later she posted "we lost our sweet girl. She is now my sweet angel". I've been crying all day for a little girl I've never met but feel like I know. She was only 6 months older than Morgan. It's easy to forget how fragile life is. For all of us, but even more so for our kids. Morgan can quickly go from being healthy to extremely sick in a very short time. Please keep the George family in your prayers. Her last blog post, 3 days ago, was "Everything's going to be alright". I know this is true but it's just hard to understand right now.
My heart is aching for this darling family. Heaven sure gained a sweet little angel. It really puts things into perspective, doesn't it. Praying so hard for them...
My heart is so heavy for this family as well...Prayers are being said and an extra kiss and hug was placed on my little ones just really don't ever know what our Lord has in store...You are so right...even though most of us have never met in person...there is a common thread that makes us feel all like family...:) Hope they can feel some comfort from all of our prayers...
It just makes you want to hug your kids and never let them go - anywhere. I had already been feeling bad for her and all the school issues she was dealing with these last couple of weeks. Nothing compared to the heartache they are now dealing with. Praying for all our angels. Some just earn wings sooner than we'd like.
How true, even with all our kids and loved ones. It is too bad it always takes something so tragic to remind us to really appreciate what we have - even when it is hard.
It does seem odd to mourn with someone we haven't met or barely know, but I think we are made that way. We are commanded to mourn with those that mourn.
It is perspective. It is also compassion to cry, pray and think about those who are in need. I think it helps us become more like our Savior who suffered and felt all our sadness and loss. I think it teaches us to truly walk in someone else shoes, which in turn will help us lift another's burdens and comfort those who are in need.
I know that the comments and feelings shared with our family when we lost our Lindsay were helpful and kind and reassuring that others were being thoughtful about someone that meant so much to us and stopping to share and feel and pray with us.
oh my heart hurts! I want to know more of the details...that is way too weird that something could change so quickly like really does put things in perspective. I have been out of town so I hadn't heard about this..thanks for sharing. I am going to visit her blog
I just recently (thanks to school) learned what an IEP is and how difficult it can be for parents who have special needs kids. I know you are probably tired hearing that you're the perfect mother for Morgan, but everyone comes to that conclusion when they see how you help and love her and how much she loves you. Who else measures their kid's oxygen levels??
Heather, that is so sad. my heartache's for that family.
My heart is aching too. I'm praying for them.
Windmills and Tulips
what a great series of photos of Carly you used in this post. I still can't believe she's gone :(
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