We had a great afternoon at the Buddy Walk today. This was the first year I've gone out of my way to really let others know about the Buddy Walk. I never wanted to make anyone feel obligated that they had to walk with us. But it really was so fun to have family and friends there joining in the festivities with us today. Jeff and Rae's family and Morgan's best friend, Gracey and her mom joined our team this year. Saturdays are busy and I know it's so hard to fit in one more thing. It meant so much to us that you made the effort to be a part of Morgan's special day and be her buddy in the walk. Thank You!
I was also overwhelmed by the generous donations given to "Team Morgan". Many from people neither Morgan or I have ever met but gave because they were friends or relatives of Gracey (Morgan's best friend) and know how much she cares about Morgan. Thank you so much for your kindness. I felt like each donation represented so much more than money. It felt like acceptance and love. Thank You!
Morgan with her Best Buddy, Gracey
Rachel, Leah and Hopkins from Signing Time joined our Buddy Walk this year!
Video highlights from the walk
Ohmyheavens, The Love Magnet would have been THRILLED to see Rachel and Leah at the Buddy Walk. How lucky are you? That was great to see all the wonderful people supporting you. :)
Great video. I saw you guys as you were getting out of your car, as we were getting out of our car at the same time, and then didn't see you again.
yay! i love morg!
You said it perfectly! It is sad we missed each other again!
Cool Guys!! Wish we could have been there!
Great photos! How cool that Rachel came to your Buddy Walk. Poor woman must not own any other clothes LOL! Seriously, she's great and without the outfit and finger tape, she might not be as easily recognized.
Yay! team Morgan!
Tammy and Parker
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