I just got a phone call from my best friend. Her sister-in-law and brother-in-law have a brand new baby boy with some characteristics of Down syndrome. The couple is adamant that the doctor is wrong and still hoping the chromosome results will show everything as 'normal'. I spoke with my friend for awhile and explained the grieving process that I went through when Morgan was born. It is really hard for me to relive those early emotions. Even though I am at peace with the gift that Morgan is in my life, it makes me hurt to know others are going through the same hurt and pain. I just wish there was someway to help speed up the process and help them realize the gift they have been given. But it is a journey that they have to reach on their own. If they could only get a glimpse of the future and see that everything is going to be just fine!
WHy haven't I seen that picture before? That is the most beautiful picture EVER of her! She looks like a little model!
That is exactly why i wanted to be the newborn contact for, well, anyone that would let me.
I love to relive those first 3 months. However painful they were, It is good to me to remmber that Eva is a gift, and we almost didn't get to keep her. It renews my love for her with ever new baby born.
I agree with Heidi. I think that is the best picture of Morgan that I have seen posted on your blog. I hope you've blown it up and have it hanging up in your home.
Heather, you amaze me. Your love and support of Morgan reaffirm my testimony of the Lord's mindfulness of us all. He knew Morgan would be a blessing in your life as much as you and Gavin would be a blessing in her life. :) I hope your friends will move along in their journey as much as you have. I know they will realize what a blessing this child is to them and their families. Just look at that picture of Morgan. Her spirit radiates! It is what I love about her. No holding that spirit back. Love you.
I have a friend that has a son with downs and she has the same attitude as you. THAT THEY ARE A GIFT.
I remember those first few days (months) so vividly, well I guess if has only been a year! I recall many people telling me it would be OK and although I held onto that hope, I didn't really believe them then. It is definitely a journey and everyone takes there own.
And I agree with the other comments BEAUTIFUL picture of Morgan!
I feel the same way! I LOVE this picture of Morgan!! SO adorable!!
It is a darling picture of Morgan and I have to give the photography credit to my brother-in-law Jeff. He took this picture while Morgan was playing in her cousin's sandbox. He has taken all my favorite pictures of my kids! Thanks Jeff!
The thing about Gavin and Heather, is that it's almost near impossible to get a bad photo of them. I've tried. I have about 80 photos of heather taking a bite of food and she makes Rachel Ray look silly. Anyway, it appears to be genetic because it is really easy to get great shots of their kids too. Beautiful family. It reminds me of my family before the accident.
Just to be silly - I think its the HAIR!
You helped me so much when I was starting that journey! Thank you a million times! :) Morgan is beautiful!
Morgan is a Gorgeous little girl!!!
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