This is Griffin's latest naughty 'terrible two's' act. He seriously does this EVERY time he is put down for a nap. It's not always to this extreme but he always takes off all of his clothes and diaper, strips down his bed, and pees everywhere. This time he decided to add a little extra fun to the activity and finger paint all over his walls with some sort of stinky brown paint. He managed to do this with 3 safety pins on his shirt, pants and diaper. He has great fine motor skills and we couldn't be prouder!
Oh my I have not had to deal with this with any of my kids. although I am potty training Aidan right now and he is a afraid to go poopy's on the potty so he has done it on my floor several times. (thank goodness for hard wood floors)
My niece did this also, my sister in law put zip up jammies on backwards and safty pinned the top. It worked for her!
What a mess - literally! He is good but I have to say Kennedy was every bit the finger-painting artist that Griffin is! The good thing is that they usually stop before they are old enought to sign their name to their artwork!
Oh Griffin...Griffin...you just crack me up. You are going to keep your parents and all of us our our toes for years and years to come!
Never a dull moment. But look at that sweet innocent look on his face!
Oh I have had this happen to me too, not fun. Next time try duct tape :) just kidding of course.
Oh my. My twins went through about a 6 month phase of doing that every single stinking day at nap time. I feel for you. Ugh.
Oohhhh! That's just gross! But I can relate....to a degree.....Jacob brought his hand up to me this morning and said, "I have poop in my pants, see!" What fun! I had a friend who would literally duct tape the diaper on her 2 year old daughter--it worked for her.
I imagine you have a good supply of disinfectant, right? :)
Hmmm, and I was disappointed that Lilly has given up her nap all together. If nap time were to include that fun mess, I'm happy to go without it!
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