Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th of July

I miss my blog.  I’ve been so busy this year trying to make digital scrapbooks for all of the birthdays that I’ve had no extra time to blog or play around with photography.  But doing the scrapbooks has made me realize how much I need this blog.  Everyday and holiday blend into one and the blog helps me remember all of the details.  Hopefully I’ll have some time to go back and get caught up but for now . . . 

We had a great 4th of July celebration.  I’ve said this before, but the 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays.  I love the red, white and blue theme, the yummy food, family and friends, BBQ, and the day always ends with a good firework show.  

Jack was gone for most of the day with his friend’s family, boating.  I waited all day for him to get home so I could do the traditional picture in front of the flag.  He got home hours later than he thought he would and made it home just in time for the fireworks.  

Morgan’s best Iwo Jima shot.

I decided it was time to finally try some of my Pinterest recipes that I pinned for the holiday.  The trifle was yummy.  I let the kids dip the strawberries in the white chocolate and sprinkles.  They didn’t turn out quite the same as the picture on Pinterest but the kids had fun and that’s all that counts.  When no one else is eating them.

Gavin’s mom makes a flag cake for the 4th of July every year but wasn’t in town this year.  Gavin was up for the challenge and called his mom for the recipe and this was the result.

Gavin and his first flag cake

The evening was spent with cousins at Trevor and Annie’s house.  They have a great backyard where the kids can run all around, swing, play basketball.  And be together.
Zachary, Griffin and Nixon

The boys were having a good talk about who was the oldest which changed to who is the tallest.  Griffin is the youngest but the tallest.  It was determined by a back-to-back.

Mia is such a ham.  She’s sees the camera and quickly goes from pose to pose as I take her picture.  She is definitely her daddy’s daughter because she doesn’t get it from me.

Cousins.  These girls are all within 2 years of each other.

Seven of the nine Seal girl cousins (Lily and Shae live out of town).

4th of July face painting

Water balloon toss.  Gavin and Hadley took 2nd in the toss off.

Then it was time for the fireworks.  Everyone loved the show.  Don’t be fooled by the covered ears and fear stricken face on Hadley.  Uncle Scott always delivers on the 4th and last night was no exception.  It felt like we were at a big show with all of the great fireworks he brought.

And some more poses from Mia with her glow necklace.  Happy 4th of July!


  1. Definitely her mother's daughter! :)
    Looks like a fun time. I think I need their backyard. I love the big trees.

  2. I think Mia is for sure like her mom! Love the poses!
    What a fun celebration and all of the red, white and blue made for some great pictures. (I think Jack grew taller since the last time I saw him)
    I ended up with no pictures. I took my camera to Chad's and for some reason, my card wasn't in my camera!
    But, had a great time watching their fireworks and eating bbq and Chad even made dessert and baked beans in his dutch oven!

  3. Love Hadley's scary fireworks face :)
