Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Happy Mother’s Day

I spent last week on a little getaway to Vegas while Gavin was busy in work meetings.  It was the perfect break.  I got to relax and have some quiet time to reflect on all the many blessings in my life as I read the book, Heaven Is Here.  I was reminded of the incredible blessing it is to be a mother.  To have these six children call me Mom.  I was also reminded of the huge responsibility I have as their mother.  Some days I feel like I am completely failing them.  Too quick to anger.  Too impatient.  Too disorganized.  And some days, just overwhelmed.  I hope that through all of my short comings that my children can feel my love and know I am trying and want to be better.  I look at these cute faces and see each unique personality and the important role each one has in our family.  I am extremely blessed to be their mom.  

I got off the plane and had about 30 minutes to get to the church to make it to the Activity Days “Mother’s Day Luncheon and Spa”.    We had a yummy lunch together with our daughters (8-12 years old).

And then we got to relax as our daughters tickled scrubbed our feet and gave us pedicures.  Morgan loved scrubbing my feet (and legs).  Hadley not so much.

My feet are way overdue for a pedicure and Hadley let me know it.   Morgan didn’t care.  She just loved using her pumice stone and splashing water around.

Mother’s Day started just like any other Sunday.  Waking up early and getting all of the kids ready for church before leaving to see patients.  We got a special surprise in Sacrament Meeting though when Gavin’s parents, lovingly known as Nan and Papa, joined us to hear Gavin’s talk and the kids sing with the Primary.  They sat down and asked where Jack and Ryan were.  They had forgotten that both boys are now old enough to pass the Sacrament.  They sat by us and got to enjoy the chaos and my favorite part of church . . . Morgan singing the hymns.  She does her best vibrato and makes everyone smile who’s in earshot of her singing.

We got home and had time before lunch to open all of the gifts.  Of course, most of them I had seen a few days earlier when they came home from school.  It’s hard for 4 and 5 year olds to keep their hard work a secret.  Mia gave me this cute flower with her picture right in the middle. The back has the letters “aMi” scribbled on it.  My favorite part of her gift was a “My Mom . . . “ paper her preschool teacher helped her fill out.  The last thing says.  “My mom loves me because . . . her just does!” 

Hadley made a book all about me for Mother’s Day.  A few of my favorites from her book --

“If I had to compare my mom to a famous person, it would be Martha Stewart because she is a very good cleaner and home decorator just like Martha.  And my mom’s maiden name is Heather Stewart!”

“If I could treat my mom to a shopping spree, I know she would like $600 to go and spend at the D.I. and buy whatever she would like.”  Yes, the D.I. is our local Goodwill/thrift store.  And my girl knows I love my vintage silver and antiques.  I was thinking Anthropologie would be a good place to spend my $600 but the D.I. is more realistic.

Griffin woke up and asked me if it was Valentine’s Day today.  I reminded him that it was actually Mother’s Day.  “Oh yah.  I keep forgetting.”  He made me paper flowers, a coupon book and a painted handprint and caterpillar.  He also picked out poppy flower seeds for me to plant and can’t wait to get them in the ground.

Morgan made me a few cards and gave me her writing book from the school year.

Gavin and his cute mom, Lolly

We went out to lunch with Gavin’s parents.  It was a nice break from cooking.  Unfortunately the stomach flu had been running through our family and hit both Gavin and me late Sunday night.  We both wished we hadn’t chosen a buffet for our lunch.  I spent all day yesterday sick and in bed.  Just glad it didn’t hit me until a few hours after Mother’s Day was over.

Then we had dinner at my parents with all of my siblings (except my big sis who lives in Portland) and got a picture of all of us with my beautiful mom.

I am so blessed to have this amazing woman as my mom.  It took me having my own wild brood to appreciate my mom and understand the depth of her love for me.  At times, I felt lost and unloved in my family as I was growing up.  I now have a child who also feels like that at times and I know they aren’t lost or unloved.  If anything they have more of my love and concern.  My mom had 6 children just like I do.  It’s busy and crazy and chaotic but somehow she managed to do it all.  Home cooked meals for breakfast and dinner.  School lunches packed with love.  Family home evenings.  Kneeling by our beds each night as we prayed together.  Tickling our backs as she told us a bedtime story.  She gave up her evenings every night as she went from bed to bed to say good night to each one of us.  I remember being with a friend’s family on vacation and one of the kids asking if they could have the last popsicle and her mom telling her no, that she was going to eat it.  As silly as it is, I remember thinking that my mom would have never responded that way.  She would’ve happily given it to someone else.  She is the perfect example of sacrifice and unconditional love.  I am so lucky she is mine!  Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!  I love you!


  1. Those photos are great! I'm glad you had a good Mother's Day, you deserve it!

  2. You are a wonderful mom and yes it does help that we had such a great example of motherhood in our own lives! Beautiful pictures! Hard to believe mom has 6 children that grown up and still looks so great! Hopefully we get that from her too! You look pretty dang hot too for 6 growing children if I might add! Sad to miss it. Try out some of your mad photoshop skills when you get a chance and maybe I will magically appear!

  3. What a nice tribute to your Mama! And I do love the comments about DI and "Her just does"-so cute!

  4. With my computer not working, I am just now seeing this...You are such a wonderful mom, and after staying with your beautiful family for a few nights, I always come away marveling at how you do it all! (Of course, having Gavin for a husband also helps:)
    Being a grandmother is the best of all! Now I still have my beautiful children and in addition 21 grandchildren to love! So very blessed am I !!!

  5. I am glad I am not the only who gets overwhelmed and has off days! Thanks for sharing!
