Thursday, July 7, 2011

Independence Day!

We had a great 4th of July!  This is one of my favorite holidays, right behind Halloween and Christmas! What is there to not love about this holiday . . . family togetherness, BBQs and all of the festive colors involved in the side dishes, a holiday with a color theme, it’s during the warm summer months, and it ends with an amazing fireworks show!

We celebrated at Trevor and Annie’s house and had a blast!

Annie and baby Oli

Matisse was the local talent at the party.  She brought her face paints and got everyone inked up for the celebration.  I love how her flag is on backwards because she did it all by herself while looking in the mirror!

Base soccer was a big success!

I love this picture.  Can’t really tell who was kicking the ball . . . Jeff or Scott?

Hadley with her three cousins.  Matisse, Avery and Savanna.

And we ended the holiday with our best attempts at Sparkler art

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