Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Today has been a whirlwind . . . full of relaxing, massages, food, cheesecake, more food, cake and ice cream, laser tag and a travel adventure. But the best part was that it was shared with my incredible family and friends! I definitely felt the Facebook love as well, as my phone buzzed all day long when someone posted a birthday wish on my wall! And to think I wasn't excited to turn 40! Today will be a day I treasure forever! I'll post more about my birthday adventure when we get back. In the meantime, check out the newest blogging addict in our home's blog. Hadley did the sweetest birthday tribute for me today! P.S. She loves comments. No really loves comments! My Adventurous Life.

P.S.S. My husband rocks and is a little too good at keeping secrets!


  1. Wait! You're 40 now???? Geez, Heather, you look like you're 30! Happiest of birthdays, my friend! So sorry to be a day late. Hugs!!

  2. Sounds like you had a wonderful day!!! I tried to comment on Hadley's blog, but Blogger wouldn't let me. :-( Loved the baby pics!!

  3. Heading over to Hadley's blog now. Happy 40! It's not so bad now that I've been here a few years... glad you're joining the clug LOL.

  4. You look amazing : ) glad you had a great 40th Birthday. May your year be filled with happiness galore.
