Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day! 2011
Hey “mamba”  “LOOK” “uno” we “Skor” “100 grand” cuz u r a “smartie” not a “lemonhead” don’t be a “Butterfinger”  “Rolo” over 2 ur “sweetharts” and give ‘em a hug! xoxo

I’ve always dreamed of being a mom and anxiously awaited the day of having my own baby placed into my arms.  I’m still amazed that all of these beautiful children belong to me.  Motherhood is a much harder job than I ever expected.  It took becoming a mother before I fully appreciated my own mom and realized what an amazing job she did with all of us.  Sacrificing her time every night to kneel down with each child by their bed to say prayers together.  Laying down by each of us every night to tickle our backs.  Home cooked dinners every night.  Hot breakfasts every morning.  Sack lunches for school.  Skipping dessert so one of us could have seconds.  Driving us to piano, softball, dance, baton practice, friends houses.  Making every vacation a family vacation, didn’t matter if it was Lake Powell or traveling around Europe, my parents took us everywhere even though it would have been easier and probably more enjoyable to leave their six kids behind and go as a couple.  My mom is amazing and I am so lucky she is mine!  I love you mom!  Happy Mother’s Day to you!

Germany 1976

Switzerland 1979

Being a mom is not an easy job and one that I know I could do better.  Every night I resolve to be a better mom for my children, to be more, but the next day I seem to be the same ol’ mom I was the day before.  Luckily my children love me just the way I am, imperfections and all.

I woke up this morning to Griffin calling out, “Wipe my bum, mom!”.   It just seemed so appropriate to start off my Mother’s Day with a little bum wiping.  I headed out to see patients and when I got home I was greeted by anxious, little faces, excited for me to open up all of their homemade goodness.   By the way, I think dad’s get the raw end of the deal with Father’s Day being in the summer.   They miss out on all of the cute things that the kids make in school.

Mia’s cute picture from nursery

Ryan’s top reasons he loves me and a coupon book:

I hope Ryan is okay with me listing his top 10 reasons.  I thought they were so sweet.  His coupons were quite specific, like do the dishes (unload only), picking up the dog’s poop (once).  He told me he had to keep them realistic so that he would actually do them.

1.You encourage me to do my best on everything.  I really like that about you.  You are awesome.

2.You don’t get in fights with dad.  You will never get in a divorce.  You always get along with him.

3.  You manage to control all of the kids.  It is really hard with Morgan.  I am amazed how good you are.

4.  You take time to find out how my day has been occasionally.  You help me when I have troubles. You are amazingly radical.

5.  You cook me food.  Without you life would be so boring.  Especially with just my dad.  You are funamenal.

6.  You give me stuff and you are not very overprotective.  I really like that about you.  You are the best mom in the whole world.

7.You love and care for me.  I am SO GLAD I am not an orphan.  You rock.  I wish you were alive forever.  I would never choose a different mom.

8.  You are very strong in what you believe in.  Which will help me a lot with my kids and having them go to church every Sunday.

9.You could never hate me and I would never hate you.  Even if I say that (which I don’t) I really don’t mean it.

10.  You are the best mom in the world.  I could think of 100 reasons why I love you but I only need ten.  I LOVE YOU.

Hadley made me this cute framed picture of flowers and taught herself how to stitch my name and her name.  Love it and can’t wait to get it on my wall!

How can I not love this sweet note from Morgan?  I know how long it takes to get her to focus and write one word so to get a whole letter from her means the world to me.

“Mom, I love you because . . .
You help me with my homework.
You took me to disneyland and on the pinocho ride
thank you mom
Morgan Seal”

P.S.  She hated the Pinocchio ride!

My new ‘bee bracelet’ from Griffin:

Griffin was most excited for Mother’s Day.  He brought home his gifts on Thursday and hid them under his bed.  He asked me how many more days until Mother’s Day.  He got so excited when he found out it was only 3 days away.  He’s so used to hearing 60-90 days when he asks those kind of questions.  “Mom, how many days until Christmas?  How many days until I turn 5 years old?” etc.  I thought I saw something with chocolate on it and told him he better hide it somewhere else so the dog wouldn’t get it.  Hopefully the dog enjoyed eating my m-n-m’s because Griffin was so disappointed when he found the package missing on his card.  Dad saved the day and bought him a new package.  We played the m-n-m game today after church (each color stands for a different question).  His gift was this cute bee bracelet--my new, favorite accessory.

It was a perfect Mother’s Day!


  1. LOVE the giant candy card- I'm making my kids looks at this post! Your kids are so sweet, and every one of them is gorgeous like their mama! Happy Mother's Day:)

  2. Thanks for remembering good times. Being a mother is the best calling we can have. I honestly don't know how you do all that you do. You make each day important in your kids lives and by keeping this blog, they will always keep those memories alive.
    Precious gifts from the most precious of all gifts to you...your children!

  3. Happy Mother's Day! I LOVED Ryan's list - so sweet! I also loved your comment about how every night you resolve to be a better Mom, and everyday you are the same Mom you were the day before. I do the exact same thing!

  4. In case you questioned - these comments are from Jenni - guess I forgot to change the user!

  5. Forgot to mention how I love the picture of Grandma Bert and Chad both smiling at each other.

  6. Ahhh, so sweet, Heather! I love it - we both got pics with all our 6 kids in front of a white fence!
