Friday, May 13, 2011


We spent the evening at The Gateway for Hadley’s singing/dancing performance last night.  Since it was such a beautiful Spring day, we decided to make it a family affair.  We were actually a little hot as we watched her perform with the sun setting on our faces.  Not that I’m complaining because I love the warmth and sunshine and it’s long overdue!  It was such an enjoyable evening.  I love it when we find an activity that works for all of the different ages in our family.  It was fun to experience a different part of our town, too.  I always feel like I’m a tourist walking around The Gateway.  

Hadley is the group, Sensation, and did such a good job!  I love watching my girl dance and sing with a big smile on her face!

Hadley and her friend, Jayden

We sat on the stairs around the fountains while we watched the performance.

Dinner in the Courtyard.  

Frozen Yogurt.

Enjoying the warm weather and frozen yogurt together.

I’m proud of my girl and the progress she has made this year.  


  1. Love this! Oh it doesn't seem like that many years ago, I was enjoying such performances. Hadley is beautiful and did an awesome job with her solo!
    Let me know when she performs next!

  2. Aw, Heather you must be so proud! Gotta get me some silver spandex shorts. Ha. Love the black and white pics, by the way! Sorry I haven't commented in awhile! xo
