Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

We celebrated Christmas Eve with Gavin’s family at Uncle Trevor and Aunt Anne’s house.  We got hit with a huge snowstorm on Christmas Eve and slid our way over to their home.  Unfortunately some last minute gifts also didn’t make it in time because of the storm.  The kids spent time doing some last minute Christmas knitting to finish up their projects in time for Christmas.

We ran out of time for the Nativity Play last Christmas Eve and Mia and Morgan asked about it for several days after and were so sad that they didn’t get to dress up so I made sure we had time to do it this year.  

These 6 years olds make the cutest wisemen!

The Innkeepers.  Jack and Ryan spent most of the play trying to do something creative with their costumes.

Mia asked right away if she could be the angel. 
Hadley was happy to co-narrate the play with her cousin, Avery.

The cast (Morgan went back to playing at the train table as soon as the play was over)

Then it was time for the “Wise Man Gifts”.  Rae read the story of the fourth wise man while the kids opened their three gifts.  Red gift = spiritual/gift from the heart.  Green gift = necessity.  Gold gift = worldly gift.

Griffin got Mario jammies, book light and  “I am a child of God” picture frame.  
Mia got snowman jammies, Horton Hears a Who DVD and a Jesus puzzle.  
Hadley got rudolph pj bottoms, red jeggings and a picture frame with a picture from her trip to San Francisco last year.  
Morgan got snowman jammies, Annie DVD and Articles of Faith flashcards.  
Jack got UofU pj bottoms, Lord of The Rings Trilogy and Scripture stickers.  
Ryan (not pictured) got BYU pj bottoms, Bourne Identity Trilogy and a digital scrapbook.  Only his scrapbook didn’t make it in time because of the huge snowstorm on Christmas Eve.  I spent most of December finishing it so he could have it for his wise man gift so we were both really disappointed.  Gavin surprised me with my first pair of adult sized (XL) footed pajamas.

Ryan’s scrapbook arrived the day after Christmas.  Here’s the link if you’d like to peek inside.  

We got home in time to set out some cookies for Santa, cookies that our neighbors had brought over earlier in the day.  Griffin and Mia (Hadley was Mia’s scribe) left a note for Santa and then it was off to bed.

A sneak peek of what Santa left for the family.  

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