Friday, November 23, 2012

sKyfAlL biRthdAy pArTy

Ryan wanted two things for his 14th Birthday:   the new iPod5 and to see the new James Bond movie with his friends.


He was so excited to wake up and open his presents and find the new iPod5 in a gift bag.  He also asked for his own bag of Flaming Hot Cheetos and Ritz Crackers with cheddar cheese spread.  He doesn’t like cake but that didn’t deter his dad from making a cake.  Everyone else in the family enjoyed a piece of cake for breakfast.

He got to check out of school for a Birthday lunch at his choice location.  Jimmy John’s.
His birthday party wasn’t for a few days so that night he helped out his dad with the Allstate premiere event of Breaking Dawn part 2.  He and Jack went and both got to take a friend and even though none of them were initially excited about seeing it, I think they ended up having a fun night.  Ryan said on the way home that he felt like he had already had his birthday party. 

A few days later it was time for the ‘real party’.
The party guests (minus the only girl invited, Adi.  She came right after this picture.)
Tate, Hunter, Truman, Ryan, Daniel, Jackson, Tanner and Griffin

Ryan loved all of his gifts . . . money, iTunes gift cards, and a BYU shirt

We got to the movie a few minutes before it started.  Unfortunately it was sold out so we bought tickets for the next showing.  The kids didn’t seem to mind.  They hit the video arcade and spent 30 minutes playing video games.

I picked them up several hours later and they all gave the movie two big thumbs up!

In honor of his 14th birthday, 14 fun facts about Ryan:

1.  He got his new iPod taken away a few days after his birthday for being disrespectful.  Ohhhhhhh, the joys of teenage boys!

2.  A few days before the 8th grade 1st term ended, he was stressed that he was ‘failing’ school.  We got his report card a few days later. . . 3.810 GPA

3.  He’s athletic and enjoys football and basketball.  He plays tight end and wide receiver.  He had one of his best seasons and his team went to the final championship game.  They got to play in a snowstorm and lots of fresh powder.  They didn’t win but Ryan had his best defensive game of the season.

4.  He loves to ‘hang out’ with his friends.

5.  He was ordained a Teacher in the Aaronic Priesthood last Sunday.

6.  After taking a year off of piano, he started piano lessons again this past summer.  It’s a constant battle.  He asks every week if he can quit piano and we both can be happy--no piano for him, no money wasted on piano for me.

7.  He is 5’3” and weighs 90 lbs.

8.  He’s supposed to get his braces off next month.  He’s also supposed to be wearing 3 elastics at bedtime and one during the day.  He did that for the first week after his last orthodontist appt.

9.  He loves Doritos Locos Tacos and Flaming Hot Cheetos

10.  He is a BYU fan!

11.  He likes to make people laugh.

12.  He’s quiet and shy at school.

13.  He loves being with his cousins-- Noah, Cole, Layton and Will.

14.  His favorite TV show is Survivor.

Happy 14th Birthday, Ryan!  We love you!!!

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