Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Moving on up.

Griffin is officially done with preschool (sniff, sniff).  He had a great experience and has grown so much these past two years, as most kids do, but Griffin has grown into a lot of his quirks and partially outgrown his defiant behavior.  He’s also made a lot of friends along the way.  He found his "best buddy", Parker, at preschool and spends almost everyday playing with his friends.

He’s quite the perfectionist and it shows in his schoolwork. At his last parent teacher conference (am I the only one who thinks it’s a little strange to have conferences when the kiddos are only preschoolers) the teacher commented on how it was obvious by Griffin’s penmanship and his attention to detail that he was one of the older students in the class.  I had to remind her that he is actually one of the younger ones, not turning five until mid-July.

His preschool had an end of school BBQ and game day

Griffin’s playgroup friends

Excited for all of the new adventures at the big school with his sisters, Hadley and Morgan.

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