Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My Happy Little Performer

Last year, Griffin wouldn't sing one song or do any of the actions for his preschool Christmas show.  What a difference a year makes . . .  there was no stopping him this year!  I couldn't stop smiling and laughing (a good kind of laugh) while filming this cute boy.  He has such a unique personality with all of his crazy quirks and unique ways of showing his love.  He's a big believer in tough love and making sure you can really feel his love.   These preschool programs have a way of taking me down memory lane and making me realize how quickly kids grow up.  All of my kids have gone to this preschool and did the exact same programs and songs.  I can picture each of my children singing these songs and their cute little faces beaming with pride knowing how proud we were to see them perform.

I made a little video collage showing each child singing the same song.  Couldn't find any video footage of Jack's program from when he was 4.  I'm gonna blame it on video camera malfunctioning problems and not lack of parental support or thinking it was okay to not capture every move of our first born son.  I can prove otherwise with my hours and hours of video footage of him just laying on a blanket on the floor cause I knew he had to be the cutest baby who had ever rolled around on a blanket on the floor.