Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 8 {Dinner at Old Spaghetti Factory. Nursing Home. Basketball}

What does the Old Spaghetti Factory have to do with Christmas?  Nothing.  But it meant we got to eat dinner together as a family on a busy night and it was near the location of  Hadley's performance that night.

Hadley changed into her costume in the car and made it just in time for her performance.  And of course she rocked it again.  And had the time of her life!

And performing with her friends, Ellie and Jayden, makes it just that much sweeter!

Then it was time for Ryan's basketball game that started at 9:30 and ended at 10:30 on a school night!  Yes they are just 6th graders.  And this team gave them a run for their money but this shot of Ryan's did go in!

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