Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snow Caves

I loved going to Girl's Camp as a teenager. "Rough Camp" was so much fun -- skits, hikes, testimony meetings around the campfire, fun leaders, no bathroom facilities, etc. We definitely knew what it was like to camp without the basic necessities. Oh yeah, it was rough!

Ryan got to go on his very first camp as a Boy Scout with Jack this past weekend up in Big Cottonwood Canyon. Since he isn't 12 years old yet he had to have his dad chaperon. Gavin was the lucky guy! They got all prepared with head lamps, extra warm sleeping bags, snow clothes, layers, food and equipment. Ready to go brave the freezing temperatures and sleep in snow caves. It really was as bad as it sounds. They were all freezing cold all night long, boys were crying, and Gavin couldn't stop looking at his watch hoping to see the morning hours and time to go home. They survived, barely. And got home in time to jump in the hot tub and warm up.

I'm thinking my girl's camps weren't so rough after all.

Ryan and Jack at dinner--cup of noodles

As part of their rank advancement the boys had to plan and prepare the dinner and breakfast for the patrol. They went all out with Cup of Noodles. They are gonna make great missionaries one day!

Gavin and another leader slept in this snow cave after they dug out all of the snow. It's built under a picnic table.

The highlight of the night was sledding under the bright, full moon which also served as a "Beacon" to the boys.


  1. I am dreading that day so much! My fragile little Layton was not meant to survive sub-zero temps in the wilderness! Maybe he will be able to make a space heater out of paper to help him survive!

  2. Wow that looks cold! THis is the one thing Jamie has managed to avoid after all his time in ym's!

  3. Nothing worse than the freezing cold!
    Gavin was still cold the next afternoon at Jack's basketball game!

  4. That looks like total misery!!! Your right girls camp was a cake walk!

  5. Brrrr.... reading that gave me the chills! I've had my share of girls camp, but thank goodness it was nothing like that! Good missionaries for sure!

  6. Wasn't our Stake rough out camp in a cow pasture? Ha!

    If your eskimo ever needs an igloo send him our way. :-)
