Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Another reason I love Christmas

My cute kids in all their new Christmas clothes!


  1. Your kids are beautiful! Great pics!

  2. Ohhh they all look so darling!!!! I love Chrsitmas for that very same reason too - although my kids HATE me taking pics of them ;) You'd think they'd be used to it after 19 years.......

    Merry Christmas!!!

  3. Your family is GORGEOUS! Those pictures have Christmas written all over them.

  4. C U T E !!!!! I need you to go shopping with me! What a cute combo!

  5. GREAT pictures! I am impressed that they all cooperated, my kids need to take lessons from yours! Have a wonderful Christmas!

  6. Love these beautiful children. When did Jack start looking so grown up and so different? I can't tell if it is because he is older or the braces...probably a little of both.

  7. PS-you know who you owe all these comments too right? Starts with a P and ends with K. Or...starts with an S and ends with an A. And that's not Santa. ;)
