Go visit Laurie and Lily. Take Lily her Christmas present.

This year has gone by so fast. I know they all seem to go by quicker and quicker but I guess it just seems more real to me this year. It is hard to believe it was almost a year ago that Jason died. It has been such a difficult year for Laurie and hard for all of us to watch her go through this and not know how to help, what to do or what to say. It's interesting to me that Jason's death is just beginning to seem real to my children. As we drove up to Laurie's house, Ryan had a lot of questions about his Uncle Jason. He was sad to see Laurie's house for sale as we pulled in her driveway. He asked if she was moving so she could live closer to us. He was so sad when I told him I thought she would move to New York. Then a few days later he was asking me about a Christmas card we had received. He wanted to know why the dad was not included on the card. I explained to him that my friends had gotten divorced. He thought for a minute and then said, "that's really sad, but not as sad as what happened to Aunt Laurie." I can only imagine how hard this time of year is for Laurie and hope she knows that her family loves her and is always thinking of her and Lily!
Lily, Hadley and Mia
Hadley and Lily
1 comment:
I also am thinking and praying for Laurie and Lily today. I'm sure she appreciates you and your family who love and visit her.
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