Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Here comes the tooth fairy!

For some reason I wasn't thinking about Morgan losing her baby teeth. I figured since she got her baby teeth in at a later rate than my other kids that she wouldn't be losing any before kindergarten. But at her dentist appointment last week, the dentist let me know that her two bottom teeth were a little wiggly. I wasn't sure how Morgan would respond to the sensation of a wiggly, loose tooth and having it fall out. So I tried to prepare her by showing excitement about her wiggly tooth and having her show it off to everyone. I also let her know what a big girl she was to have a wiggly tooth! She pushed it out this afternoon with her tongue (without me knowing) and showed me the tooth in her hand and nervously said, "Euw...!!" and threw it across the room. We found the tooth and got this picture. I wonder what the tooth fairy will leave for her tonight since she doesn't have any desire for money. Any ideas?? Have any of you bloggers had your child with Ds lose any teeth yet?


  1. I think the tooth faerie should leave books. Much better than money IMOH

  2. Congrats on the big girl with wiggly teeth, I love her reaction! Lisa and I were just talking about loose teeth yesterday. Abby has lost several, it is so cute. I am all for money, but ... Jack is obsessed with counting and collecting coins.

  3. I was told that they usually didn't loose their baby teeth. I guess just like every kids.... they are all different! Good to know. I like the book idea!

  4. We left Lily money, but the book idea is great! We found one book about what kids around the world did with their loose teeth. I think in Africa they throw it on the roof! found it - "Throw Your Tooth on the Roof - Toothe traditions from Around the World" Selby B. Beeler
