We were lucky to have the opportunity to eat school lunch with Ryan. Actually we are very lucky because we have three kids at this elementary school and get to enjoy school lunches 3 times a year (even my parents get in on the deal 3 times a year on 'grandparents day' ). Our food choices were between cafeteria hamburgers or navajo taco -- no outside food is allowed--apparently that would alter the experience too much! (or the money the school is making on our lunches). It is always hard to enjoy this quality time when I am chasing Griffin and Morgan all around the lunchroom. There is a cute girl (whom has Down syndrome)l that works in the lunchroom that adores Morgan and tries her best to help me with her. Morgan started to run and she quickly said, "Don't worry I've got her. . . Morgan, stop running!!" I've decided next time to check my child out of school for lunch and go somewhere where we'll enjoy not only the company but the food, too!
Oh don't worry the food will be better by high school, for sure! But then again there isn't any parents/grandparents day there: sorry but hope it was still fun :)