Jack surprised all of us (and Lolly) when he pulled out a small little box. Everyone knows that only one thing comes in those cute, little boxes...a diamond --a beautiful princess cut solitaire diamond. He said she had been a good girl and after 44 years she had earned it. This picture was taken after we all kept asking them if they could kiss again because we didn't get a picture of it the first time. So cute!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas Eve
Jack surprised all of us (and Lolly) when he pulled out a small little box. Everyone knows that only one thing comes in those cute, little boxes...a diamond --a beautiful princess cut solitaire diamond. He said she had been a good girl and after 44 years she had earned it. This picture was taken after we all kept asking them if they could kiss again because we didn't get a picture of it the first time. So cute!
Friday, December 26, 2008
The countdown to Christmas
And of course we couldn't have had this much fun without the Ware's!
Jack, Addie, Hadley, Emma and Ryan
Day 23--Deliver neighbor gifts
It wasn't the most creative neighbor gift but doesn't everyone enjoy a little bubbly (in cello wrap and ribbon) over the holidays?
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Day 18 --Glee Club
Day 17-- Christmas Story
Day 16--Caroling
I had no idea how much I would enjoy this activity. I have been a home health nurse for 9 years and have seen some of my patients for almost just as long. We went to an assisted living center where some of my patients live and did a surprise visit and sang, "We wish you a Merry Christmas" to them. I loved showing off my family to my patients and was so happy they finally got to meet my children. My patients love that I have six kids and like to tell whomever is around when I am doing their visit. It felt so great to sing to them and bring a little Christmas cheer into their home! After we were done caroling we met up with the Ware's for dinner at Training Table.
Day 15--Cookies
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Remembering Jason
This picture was taken two weeks before Jason died. We are all on Jason and Laurie's front porch after Lily's baby blessing in Jeremy Ranch. (I'm not in the picture because I was the one taking the picture). How lucky that Lolly insisted on getting us all together for this picture. I remember lots of complaining about the sun being in faces, being hungry and cold and not wanting to pose for pictures. It would have been so easy to just have waited for another 'more convenient' time and not have taken this photo. This is our last family picture with all of us together.
Day 14-- Christmas Party
I am the cute little girl on the right that looks like a boy in a dress. The one that my baby brother is staring at --maybe he doesn't like my hand position on my popsicle or he just wants my popsicle!
My favorite Christmas tradition happens to be the one my sweet grandma Norma started many years ago. She loved Christmas-- the songs, especially Silent Night (at least she cried every time she sang it with us so I am guessing it was out of love and not that our voices made her sad), our Christmas Eve program from Luke 2, serving and giving to others, and the surprise visit from Santa. I looked forward to this party at my grandma's house all year --seeing all my cousins, exchanging Christmas gifts, playing songs on the piano for the program, and the anticipation of the real Santa's visit. My mom has continued this tradition at her home now that Grandma Norma has passed away. She had a house full of relatives--my aunts, uncles, and cousins (and their children)--I think it was around 75 people this year.
Hadley asked Santa for a barbie house
Griffin wants puzzles. He LOVES puzzles and spends all day taking them apart and putting them together. He is helping Morgan get better at doing puzzles too. She used to not have any interest in trying the harder puzzles (without pegs) but now that she watches Griffin do them all day she has been able to do some of the harder ones too! Yea for siblings!
Mia just wanted to get away. This is after she managed to squirm off his lap!
As we were getting the kids dressed for church in their new Christmas clothes, we realized Jack's and Ryan's Christmas sweaters still fit them from last year so we could just take back the new ones and have them wear the same ones again this year. Then Jack let us know that he has worn that same sweater for more than one year. Here is the proof:
Monday, December 15, 2008
Day 12-- Lily

Lily, Hadley and Mia
Hadley and Lily
Friday, December 12, 2008
Day 11--Mall and Santa
Day 9-- Gingerbread houses
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Day 8--Christmas House
Hadley wanted a better view so decided to get out of the car even though she was only in shorts from her basketball practice. This house is next door to the real Christmas house. It has good lights but nothing like the other house. Not sure why I didn't get a picture of the other house. but just imagine lights everywhere, synchronized to music, Rudolph singing the words, Santa in the window waving to the children, a big angel on the top of the house, reindeer flying up to the sky, bubble machines, and a electric light band. Yah...pretty cool! I'm pretty sure Gavin is totally planning on doing the same thing to our house next year!
Everybody hanging out in the car, enjoying the light show