Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day 1 {The tradition of the advent calendar}

I still can't believe Christmas is only a few weeks away.  It really seemed to sneak up on me this year and it's taken me awhile to get excited about it.  But now that all of the decorations are out and the huge mess that accompanies the decorating is all put away, we are getting ready and trying to enjoy the magic that comes with this time of year.  It goes by so quickly and that's why this is one of my favorite traditions--  Advent Calendar Activities.  Every morning someone gets to open the advent calendar door, hang up the ornament and read the activity for that day.  We rotate whose turn it is each morning.  Hadley forgot about this rotation from last year and opened the doors on the first few mornings before anyone else had a chance but we seem to be back on track now.

It gets increasingly more difficult to keep up with this tradition as the kids get older and their schedules get filled with nightly activities but it seems to work if we just do something simple on the busy nights.  Like our traditional "day one" activity.  The kids love their chocolate calendars and getting to eat a new chocolate every morning.

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