Monday, January 18, 2010


We gave in and started renting the series of Lost. Several people told us how great it was and that we should hurry and watch it before the final season started in February. I honestly didn't realize the full impact of our decision -- the time and dedication it would take to watch 5 seasons. It was a lot more time consuming than I'd ever imagined. They really packed in a lot of episodes (42 minutes each without commercials) each season! We finished the last season finale tonight and it's bittersweet -- I'm so relieved to have my evenings and weekends free again but I'll also miss watching it. It's become our nightly ritual, cuddled up on the couch, both of us taking our turns falling asleep during different parts of the show, waking up enough to start 'just one more episode', and going to sleep way too late every night. We'd talk about going out and then decide we'd both rather watch Lost more than go to a movie. Luckily I won't have to miss it for long, the last season begins in a few weeks. And I can't wait!


  1. That is funny we did that very thing with 24 about 5 years ago.... then came the burn out. I wonder what LOST will be like. I think it would irritate me. Watching it a season ata time helps you to forget all the silly things they throw in their to confuse you. Watching them back to back you might pick up on all the dumb things they leave open ended and NEVER provide explanation for. With that said, I am very excited for this last season to see how they wrap it all up.

  2. My husband and I are doing to same thing with the show "Mad Men". In fact, that's the biggest reason we renewed our Netflix membership.

  3. I watched all of season 5 in like 2 days on my computer (streamed from Netflix), LOL.

  4. I am a professed and admitted LOST addict ...missed a ton when Zoey was doing chemo last season but I will play catch up.Anxious to see how it all plays out.
