Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Holiday Traditions

The Advent Calendar Fairy is one of our family's favorite Christmas traditions. Every morning a different child gets to open the door for that day, hang up the ornament and read the surprise activity for that night. Some nights are big, exciting activities and other nights are more simple and something we can do at home.

Day 1--Get a chocolate advent calendar


  1. Oh I need to go get my chocolate calendars. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. My almost 4 yr old just discovered the advent calendar - and ate the whole thing on day one!

  3. What a wonderful tradition!!! Please share more! Did you come up with the activities or were they part of the calendar???

  4. We come up with the activities. And just plan a week at a time since so many last minute holiday things come up.

  5. Cute Advent calendar. We bought our chocolate calendars at Trader Joe's yesterday. I just wish they were still the old German style ones they always sold. Oh, well. Your kids are adorable as always!
