Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Day 21--A Candlelight Christmas

"Make Our Traditional Candlelight Christmas Part Of Your Family’s Tradition ~ Enjoy The Peace And Romance Of Christmas As It Was In A Simpler Time" (taken from This Is The Place Heritage Park's website).

A more accurate description of this activity would've been: enjoy freezing temps, spend lots of money, fight your way through the crowds and ride a train around the park. There was nothing 'romantic or peaceful' about it! But it was fun to be with my parents and Jeff and Rae's family. My favorite part of the evening was when Rae called me out for being grouchy and said she wasn't feeling the holiday spirit from me and that I make my activities look so much better on the blog. So true. Everything can look great with some creative editing.

Jeff and Rae. Jeff was really excited for this one.

mom and dad. Dad was equally as excited.

Candle making

ZCMI. Jeff and Gavin were born and raised on this stuff (and the stuff they now sell inside this building).

Feeling the holiday spirit

Morgan and Gavin on the train

Father Christmas

After the group shot, we noticed we were missing someone, found her and she got her own individual time with Father Christmas.

Real reindeer

All smiles on the train ride back to the warm car


  1. Being there did help to put us in the Christmas spirit...but have to agree with Rae. It looks even better on the blog!

  2. Well I laughed out loud when I read this! Jamie and I were going to go to this and then on Monday morning Jamie asked me if we were going and I said Oh I don't know, I'm just not feelin it! It does look like a lot of fun though, on the blog that is!
