Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve

We had our Christmas Eve celebration with the Seal family at Brendan's and Nicole's home. We had a yummy dinner and then all the kids dressed up and presented The Nativity play for us. Then Aunt Rae read a story to all the kids about the Three Wise men and we gave our kids a 'red gift' which represented something spiritual or sentimental (Hadley opened scriptures, Jack & Ryan opened scripture stickers, Morgan, Griffin and Mia opened a book). And a 'green gift'which represented something of necessity (they all got their Christmas pajamas for this one). And a 'gold gift' which represented something fun and worldly. It was a nice evening with family and the true spirit of Christmas.


The Nativity

Wiseman Story and Gifts

All of the cousins in their new Christmas jammies

1 comment:

  1. I love the red green and gold gifts what a wonderful idea!

    Merry Christmas!
