Saturday, October 31, 2009

California Adventure

We just got home from a fun-filled family vacation to Southern California. We were busy every day -- Sea World, Laguna Beach, Disneyland, California Adventure, and San Diego Wildlife Park. The kids (and parents) loved it and can't wait to go back!!

Sea World

Shipwreck Rapids

After the soak

Touching the bat rays at the forbidden reef

Starfish at the tide pool

The boys went on Atlantis

Leaving Sea World-- Morgan's sound asleep.

Laguna Beach
It was perfect weather and a beautiful beach. The kids could have stayed there for days and days. Jack and Ryan loved playing in the water and all the rest loved playing in the sand and feeding the sea gulls.

Disneyland is so much fun at Halloween with all the holiday decor and rides. But it also means the park gets really crowded with all the locals and tourists. We lucked out with having Morgan in our family--she got a disability pass that allowed us all to go right on the rides without having to wait. The pass requires that Morgan be on the ride in order to use it which meant Morgan went on A LOT of rides that she wasn't too excited about (the Matterhorn) but it helped the most with the rides that are so short but have the longest lines and no fast passes, like Dumbo.

Waiting at the exit line for Dumbo--Morgan & Griffin's favorite ride

Meeting Mickey Mouse!!

Morgan and Gavin enjoying the teacups!

California Adventure Park

We were so lucky to have nan and papa come join us for a few days of our vacation. Papa was very adventurous and went on all the rides with the boys. Nan was full of loves and treats for all of the kids and even went on a few of the rides!

Jack and Papa Jack

It's a Bug's life

Tower of Terror is my FAVorite ride. I laugh the entire ride!

Grizzly River Run

Pixar Parade--I had more fun watching Morgan than the parade. She kept trying to go out in the street to dance with the parade. She was dancing, singing, clapping, having the time of her life. The characters were all so cute with her and made sure to wave to her and some came over to give her high fives.

San Diego Wild Animal Park
We had just a few hours before our flight back home and made a quick trip to the park. We had time to see a few animals, feed the lorikeets, and pet some deer.

Now back to reality. Jack got the flu while we were on the trip and missed one of the days at Disneyland and now I have it. It seems everyone is getting it this year. Just a bummer it has to be over Halloween.


  1. We went to Disneyland for Christmas last year, before we adopted Max. I had forgotten about the pass. Now we have the best excuse ever to go back! Looks like sooo much fun.

  2. Such a great time of the year to go there! Put Washington on your list of stops!

  3. It looks like you had so much fun, great memories!

  4. OHHH I am SOOOO jealous! I LOVE Disneyland at Halloween and I have been craving to go there lately! I didn't know that about the pass...thanks!

  5. What a fun trip. Way to pack it all in :) That is my kind of vacationing!
