Friday, September 11, 2009

Game On!

Football season has started once again and Ryan picked up right where he left off last season. His first game was last Saturday and he played great. Jack decided that football was not his sport and has opted for soccer instead.

Here are some highlights of Ryan's first game: (Ryan is number 3 - in the blue uniform -the one with the ball) And I don't know why I am getting this blue underline, but I like it. Enjoy!

Sneaking in for a Touchdown!

Heather was afraid she might miss a status update, so she was checking fb every chance possible!

Here is a quick video of a few of Ryan's runs. He is quick and seems to run well with the ball. He reminds me of his dad!


  1. Go Ryan. Heather and Gavin your kids are so well rounded. :)

  2. Don't tell me your a Brighton team. I'm from Hillcrest so I should just delete your blog right now :)

  3. WAY TO GO RYAN! Go Bengals! What an athlete. Please tell him congrats. We will have to come watch this superstar!

  4. Tyson just came in to watch and was quite impressed!

  5. Did Ryan come from a different Dad? Just wondering. Sad, cuz I think Heather misses all my updates? :( Way to go Ryan!

  6. I just have to clarify that I was NOT checking FB during the game but playing Wurdle during the timeouts.

  7. Looks like a fun day. Oh I love Wurdle too!

  8. And he picked up today where he left off last Saturday. Another touchdown and another win! It was fun to be there and see him score and also to see Jack on the soccer field score a goal. Quite the sports day....saw Gracie at her soccer game, Morgan kicking the soccer ball at her game, then to Maddie's to see half of her game,so that I could make it to Ryan and Jack's. Didn't get to Hadley's time for sure!

  9. Way to go Ryan! I am hoping to continue avoiding the football thing with my boys. Will might be a problem though.

  10. Jamie asked me if I saw your e-mail of your schedule for saturday's games, I said yes. He asked if that was what we had to look forward to, I said probably! Glad Ryan had so much fun, we will have to make a game for sure.

  11. Ryan rocks!! Farrell saw me watching the video clip and asked 'how old is he?' I told him they were the same age and then got in trouble for not letting Fare play tackle this year. Thanks. :)
