Thursday, September 24, 2009

Buddy Walk is Saturday

Saturday September 26
Antczak Park
1850 East 7200 South

10:00-11:00 Carnival (face painting, bounce houses, clowns, cake walk, balloons, etc.)

11:00 Walk around the park (10 mins.)

11:30 Lunch provided by Red Robin

It's that time of year again. The Salt Lake Chapter Buddy Walk. I waited to post anything about it because I wasn't sure we would be able to make it with our crazy Saturdays. We may be a small team, but at least Morgan and I will be there walking!! If you would like to walk with us, help promote Down syndrome awareness and be a "buddy" to Morgan, here are the details: The registration cost is $7/individual or $20/family which includes a Buddy Walk t-shirt, lunch provided by Red Robin, and the carnival activities.

Let me know if you can make it!


  1. We just had ours last Saturday, huge success!!!! We are thinking of coming to the SLC one to see how they do it so we can get ideas for next year at our walk. Can you register the day of the event? We will look for you if we end up coming and walk with you if that is okay.

  2. T-
    You can register that day at the park. Be sure to find us if you decide to come and we'd love to have you walk with us!

  3. We are going to be a small team too. Just our immediate family. It is our first Buddy Walk so we didn't know to invite all our family and friends. Oh well, there is always next year. Hope to see you there.

  4. I really wish we could be there with The Love Magnet's team. I'll have to find out when ours is being held.

  5. It'll be our first - just the 4 of us - maybe 5 if grandma comes. Hope to meet you!

  6. Have a great time Heather and Morgan!
