Tuesday, May 26, 2009

National Geographic Bee

Jack competed in the 2009 National Geographic Bee at the state level. He has always been such a smart kid with an amazing memory for trivial knowledge. I love all the facts that he just seems to randomly come up with in all different circumstances. I think that must have been one of the reasons he was able to qualify for this competition because it really wasn't anything he could really study for. There were 100 students (4th-8th graders) that qualified to represent their school in Utah. They divided the kids up into 4 rooms and gave them each a practice question to help them relax a little bit. It was really intense and the questions continued to get harder and harder with each new round. There were 8 rounds and Jack answered 4 out of the 8 questions correctly. It was such a great experience for him and we were so proud of how well he did!

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