Monday, January 12, 2009

My cupcake girl

Mia's birthday invitation

My last little baby is one! We had a big celebration for her on Saturday with lots of family and friends. She had a pink, lime and brown cupcake-themed birthday party! I had so much fun decorating and planning her party which is a change for me! I made a DVD of her pictures and videos from her first year that played in the background during her party.

Maybe it's just my imagination but it really seems like she has grown up so much now that she is one! Her hair is longer and starting to curl. She is now standing up on her own everywhere. Last night she totally surprised me after she was done eating -- I said, "all done" and she repeated it with a big smile, like it was no big deal.

The cupcake table

Her own personal 'cupcake cake'

pictures from her 1st year on the mantel

Singing Happy Birthday to Mia!

She loved the cake!!

Showing off her new talent of standing on her own

Mia had some serious competition from Griffin and Morgan with opening her presents and playing with her new toys...never mind that it was her birthday!

And of course . . . here are some of the people that helped us in the celebration!

We love you, Mia!


  1. So cute! Sorry we missed it. Umm, Gavin has some chocolate frosting on his face. :)

  2. SO Cute!!! You did me proud! The cake and decorations were adorable. She really does look older with longer hair - she is so beautiful! Can't wait to see the changes in person over spring break!

  3. she is so cute! I LOVE all the cute things you did for the party! That cupcake cake is adorable! Did you make it?! happy birthday to Mia!

  4. So cute! You did such a good job on the decorations! I am so bad at stuff like that, I'm lucky if I get a party planned!

  5. Happy Birthday Mia! We had a great time at the party everything was perfect! Thanks for having us.

  6. SOOO cute Heather! You are a great party planner!! Are you for hire??

  7. How cute is she?! Happy Birthday Mia! :}

  8. What a cutie!!! that close up with her big brown eyes is so pretty. Kylie turns one on the 26th. I can't believe it. I wish you guys were going to Monte Carlo and Paris. It would have been fun to see you again. Maybe next year.

  9. I love her cupcake cake. It is so cute. You did a great job. I am a disaster at cake decorating.

  10. Happy Birthday our sweet little Mia. We miss you so much but love seeing your cute pictures. We can't wait to see and hold you soon.

  11. oh this makes me want to cry.. haha i miss your cute kids! Happy Birthday Mia!!

  12. Mia is soo cute!!! And what a darling cupcake party! I think it will be another great idea I'll glean from your blog!
