Sunday, September 14, 2008


again and again and again.
Ryan had a great game on Saturday. He scored his first touchdown in his football history with a reverse (I pretend to know what that means). Then he did it again after he picked up a fumble. And then he scored one more time, once again with a reverse.

I'm not sure who was more excited after his first touchdown. The proud dad or Ryan.

This is Ryan finishing his 3rd touchdown. I missed the first one since it was one of the first plays of the game and I wasn't quite prepared. Then I missed the second one taking a picture of Morgan. I guess I'm not a very good football photographer. I can barely tell where the ball or Ryan is without a camera in front of my face so don't expect too much when I am trying to watch the game and take pictures of the action as it is occurring!

Grandma and grandpa missed the first touchdown but luckily Ryan had two more so they didn't feel too bad for being a few minutes late to the game.

Mia, grandma, Griffin and grandpa

Hadley and Griffin watching the game

For all of you football fans . . . I will be putting some video highlights from his last few games on here soon.


  1. You are quite the amazing athlete Ryan! Are you the only one that scored that game? I hope you won! Love the picture with Gavin - priceless!

  2. He sounds like he loves football I love the pics of mia she is to cute i wish I lived closer to babysit.

  3. The 'Proud Dad' picture is the best!! What a great shot!

  4. Gavin looks like one proud papa in that first picture!!!

  5. Wow, an All Star all ready...good for him! How fun to see pics of your family (and seeing your mom & dad's been a long time!). Crazy how fast time goes..all of a sudden you are a mother of 6!!
    Shauna (Leach) Coleman
