Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First day of kindergarten

I remember when Kindergarten seemed so far away. The meetings to help new parents understand their options with education, transition, IEP, etc. I went to one of those meetings when Morgan was 5 months old and felt out of place. I really should have listened better and even taken notes but I was more worried about my baby recovering from open heart surgery than how she would transition into Kindergarten. Besides that was SO far away! It's hard to believe that that day has arrived! She was very excited! Aunt Jill give her a big girl haircut last week. After I fixed her hair this morning, she searched the house for Jack and Ryan so they could see her cute style. "See, Jack and Ryan? Cute hair! . . . Jill." She then used her pretend scissors to show them exactly what Jill had done to her hair. We got some pictures of her with her backpack on and once again she wanted to show Jack and Ryan her "cool and cute backpack" and then she sat down to eat her oatmeal just as the bus drove up. She was not happy about the bus being here before she had eaten. She quickly shoveled all the oatmeal in and happily went on the bus to her new school. I am excited about her teacher this year. Morgan is attending a Diagnostic Kindergarten (since full inclusion with an aide in not an option in our district) and I am excited about her teacher this year. She came out to do a house visit a few weeks ago and seems to really love being a special education teacher, which seems to be a rare find.


  1. I can't get over how old she really does look with her big girl haircut! I bet her teacher will have so much fun listening to her say "wha-hoo!" all day - that is my favorite!

  2. Hi heather

    My name is AZ I live near San Fransico and have been lurking on your blog for a while now just though I introduce my self . Morgan looks so cute

    Ps today is my b day

  3. Hi Heather,

    I heard that Mrs. Sabucco (Glynnis) is Morgan's teacher this year. You will absolutely love her! She is the best teacher. Abby learned so much from her. She truly loves her students. I wish all teachers were like her. I hope Morgan is liking kindergarten. Abby is having a bit of trouble getting used to all day school, but seems to be enjoying it. Hope to see you soon.
    Lisa Kingsbury
