Monday, July 14, 2008

We FINALLY did it!

We were starting to wonder if we would ever make it out on the water this summer. Gavin bought us a boat this past spring and we finally got to take the whole family out boating this past weekend. We had a family reunion with my mom's family up at East Canyon and spent the night in the condo and went boating most of the day. It wasn't an easy task with Mia being at the awkward stage of not really fitting into the life jacket but having to wear it. Luckily, she slept a lot because she was not a happy baby when she was awake. The kids had fun on the tube but we were surprised how scared Hadley and Ryan were to try anything other than the tube. I love the picture of Ryan on the tube. His first time out was not a good experience for him. He kept asking Gavin to go slower (than the 5 mph Gavin was already going) and then just wanted to get back in the boat after a few minutes of trying it. Can't you see the joy in his face? :) Good Times!!


  1. That picture of Jack and Ryan on the tube is so adorable. And seeing Hadley holding the flag brought back so many memories. That used to always be my job!

  2. The picture of Mia in her life jacket is so funny. We went out on the boat with Roya a couple of weeks ago and she looked exactly the same. Poor kiddos!

  3. Hopefully Gavin will have a chance to demonstrate some outrageous waterskiing. Hey my personal blog is now private - email me at and I will let you in on my earth shattering thoughts.

  4. WOW! HOw do you do it all? You guys do lots of fun trips! We went to Sunriver Oregon a few years ago and loved it! I can't believe what a cute mom of 6 you are-you give me hope that maybe I could handle it-MAYBE!
