Saturday, July 19, 2008

The sweetest thing!

Happy 6 month birthday Mia!

You have become such a little girl this past month! Growing up so quickly and trying all kinds of new things. There seems to be no way of slowing you down. You are such a happy little girl--always full of smiles and giggles. Everywhere we go people stop to look at you and always comment that you are the cutest baby they have ever seen! And obviously I agree! :) We love you sooooo much and are so grateful to have you in our family!

6 month check up:
Weight 16 lbs. (46th %)
Height 26 3/4" (80th%)
Head 16 3/4" (44th%)

Here are some of the newest tricks--

Eating baby food

Sitting up like a big girl

Playing with Lily on the 24th of July


  1. Well I have to agree with you too, she is ADORABLE! She is getting sooo big! I can't believe she's sitting up already - -it seems like she was just born!

  2. Such a cutie!!! I can't believe how big she has gotten. I didn't know you spoke Spanish??? :) As for the 6 kids? Not sure Aaron is so hot on the idea. Probably 3 or 4 is his max (though I would love a BIG family!) :) Hope y'all are doing well.

  3. Happy 6 months Mia. Kylie just turned 6 month too. You two are just growing up too fast!!! Love the pictures.
