Monday, June 2, 2008

And the good character award goes to . . .

Hadley and Jack for demonstrating great attitudes!

Hadley was very excited about finally receiving this award (since she got it the last month possible) and being able to hang her school picture up in the hall of her elementary school. Although she had no idea what a 'great attitude' meant!

We had no idea that Jack had also earned this award until we showed up to the assembly and saw him on the stage. Which should be no surprise since Jack NEVER empties his backpack or tells us anything about school. We're not even sure he has been in school this past year. He never had any homework, brought home any spelling lists, tests, or any completed work. He claims it is in a big book that he will be bringing home at the end of the year (too little too late if he needed our help in any of the subjects) . He is very independent and has done all of his projects on his own without any parental help or influence (completely different than my schooling experience!). It's nice to have him be so responsible but sometimes it would be nice to be let in on some of the this award so his picture could have been up on the wall all month, too! :)

Of course we can't forget about Ryan!! He was the first in the family to earn this award back in December for 'being helpful in the classroom'. Way to go Ryan!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to all three. I am always impressed with their desire to read and learn. Now after all the hard work of school, they can go and have fun in Washington, D.C.
