Thursday, May 8, 2008

Highlights of Puerto Vallarta

This is the view from our balcony at The Marriott Casamagna Resort

We arrived just in time to watch the last of the playoff game

We spent most of our two days sitting around the pool. The weather was perfect with a nice breeze. Mia spent most of the time sleeping with her daddy (not that her daddy slept a lot) or in the stroller. We had a great big pool which made it nice for Gavin to swim some laps to help prepare for his triathlon this weekend. The pina coladas were super yummy at this resort!!

We went to the centro and had dinner at Pipi's with some other Allstate agents (Cathy and Dave)

Enjoying the dinner fun and a yummy fried ice cream sundae

A photo in front of the Jalisco seahorse--just for old time's sake

Hanging out on our balcony

Gavin was able to even out his tan on this trip (He is holding a bottle of aloe in an ice cocktail)

Enjoying our second day out by the pool with Mia

Gavin spent this day by the pool under the umbrella in the shade

We went to the centro again for dinner at Senor Frogs

Dinner with our Allstate friends (we spent most of our time with these guys)

Candace, Lori, Heather

Gavin, Mike and Bobby

Mia found her 'voice' (aka 'scream') the day before we flew home. Everyone remembered Griffin's high-pitched scream from Vancouver last year. It really just made us laugh when she started doing the same scream on the flight home. It isn't a crying scream -- just a tired, really loud, high pitched bird call. (Thanks Melinda for the cute little dress on Mia)


  1. wow heather... you look great after six kids. Lucky for you and your vacations. Let me know when you get back from D.C.. Not sure were I want to be, but I have considered moving back east - or hopefully wherever jaeben plays ball for college haha! anyhow I will keep on blogging

  2. The picture of Mia at Senor Frogs is priceless! How fun that you could enjoy such a nice vacation and relaxation. Now you are off to St. George, and I am here in Vancouver. Thank goodness for your blog!

  3. I found your site through Carrie's. Would it be alright to put your blog on Lily's and the UDSF?

  4. thanks for commenting! I am still pretty new at all the ds world and I love when I find people to connect with a little! Your family is adorable! We just got back from a cruise a few weeks ago that stopped in puerto vallarta! It was so fun!

  5. Wow! Looks like you had a great trip! Poor Gavin and those red legs!!!

  6. (Mike's wife Amy said:) Wow, what a fun vacation you guys had! Owie on the burned legs...that always happens to me. Are you heading to DC in 3 weeks? Is that what the little thing in the corner says? My brother-in-law works in the Supreme Court --- got a great behind-the-scenes tour in Feb! Very cool! I love DC. Yes, we are no longer in Utah, but that is where our support network is. So we are heading down for the golf tournament and definitely Lagoon!

    Love your blog!

  7. Hey, i saw your comment on my post.... It looks loke we have Kiddos about the same age. Eva is our 3 yr old (well 3 on July 1st) with DS and is just starting the potty training thing.... any advice? Please? I am serving, or working, i don't know how you would say that, as the new born contact for the UDSF, so i've gotten the chance to meet a lot of the parents that have had babies with DS in the past year, but everyone else, i don't know.

    I'm at We are doing a newborn training on Saturday if you are interested. We are trying to train a few people to go into hospitals and meet new moms with a new diagnosis, and could use a few people on the east side. LMK if you are interested!

    Kelli Whipple

  8. Oh all these vacations look so good! I can't wait until summer but it looks like you guys had a sample of it! Sounds like a fun trip-

  9. I'm am sooo officially jealous!!! Looks like a wonderful time!!! Lucky Mia to get to go :) Can you adopt me LOLOL

    Love the Senor Frogs pic of Mia - sooo adorable!!!
