Sunday, February 10, 2008

Look who's one month old!

My sweet little Mia,

It is hard for me to believe you have already been here for one month! The time is passing so quickly and you have already grown so much! I hope you will always know how blessed we are to have you in our family. We thought that Griffin would be our last little one . . . and feel SO lucky to have YOU! Our beautiful little girl. You already have such a cute personality. You started smiling at 3 weeks (with one to two smiles each day), but this morning when you woke up and I wished you a 'Happy one month Birthday' you were so full of big smiles for me! I am glad you are feeling better now but unfortunately while you were sick you did not nurse well for me. You were breathing so fast that it made it hard to nurse and you also just wanted to sleep all the time. I should have been better at pumping, but I wasn't and now I am battling to get my milk supply back up. I hope it works . . . it would make me sad to have to stop nursing you so early.
Your brothers and sisters love you so much! The first thing Morgan asks when she wakes up in the morning is, "Where'd Mia go?" and she searches the house until she finds you. Griffin is still trying to figure out exactly what you are doing here but loves to touch your face and give you kisses. And of course Jack, Ryan and Hadley absolutely adore you and think you are just the cutest baby! And your dad is loving having a newborn to cuddle and love again! We all love you so much, Mia!
I love you!


  1. Of course she is an absolute darling, just look at her mom!

  2. Such cute pictures. How long has it been since I've seen her? She looks so different! She is so beautiful.

  3. Oh Mia is so beautiful and has changed so much since we have been here in Honduras. I am so anxious to get home and hold her soon!
    Grandma Bethany

  4. 6 out of 6! All so beautiful! My girls tell me all the time how beautiful all the Seal kids are (make that "handsome" for two of them). Can't wait to meet her!

  5. Ohhh - she is just soooo darling! I'm jealous - I'd love another baby girl :) Happy one month birthday cute baby girl!!!
