Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Ryan's Football Team is Going to the Finals!!!

Ryan's team played in the semi-finals this past Saturday. His team was in 4th place and played the 1st place team. His team won 40-20!! Way to go, Ryan! He will be playing in the finals this Saturday. He has been lucky to have lots of one on one attention from his dad these past few months since Gavin was one of his assistant coaches.

Here is Ryan walking with his two best friends that are also on the team.


  1. Congrats Ry! Heather, you'll have to let me know what time his game is. We are going to the Utah game, but if there's any way we could come we will!

  2. Woo-hoo! That was a great catch! The Halloween pics are too cute, too. Miss you all. My boys still talk about yours. :)

  3. Congrats Ryan! What awesome pictures too! Wish we could be there! I also saw you found a twilight quiz link. It wouldn't let me post the link. I have taken two different quizes - one I was Alice and one I was Edward! But yes, Scott really was Edward!

  4. I also need you to tell me how to add video - we tried last night but it didn't work. We are trying to add something from a dvd of a surgery that Scott did.
