Gavin is an amazing dad. The kind of dad every girl hopes of having for her children someday. When we were dating we both knew we wanted a lot of kids and talked about how fun it would be to have a big family together one day. Here we are 14 years later and it's been an amazing journey with him. This parenthood stuff. He is rockin' the dad title. And just seems to get better and better. He's involved in every part of their lives and they absolutely love him!
The sports. He doesn't ever miss a game. And there are lots of games and events with four kids involved in soccer, football, basketball, dance and gymnastics.

The fun dad. He dares to go on all of the big rides at the amusement park with the big kids but also takes the time to go on all the kiddie-land rides with the little ones.

An example, spiritually and physically. Our kids get to see their dad set goals and accomplish them. Because of his example, Jack and Ryan now have an interest in cross country, track and running 5K races with their dad.
St. George Marathon

My helpmate. He helps out every night with the bedtime routines. Brushing teeth with the kids. Diaper changes. Baths. Putting on jammies. And it usually ends with lots of laughter as he swings them into their beds and finishes up the day with a good night prayer.

Family outings and adventures. He's willing to put in the extra effort that is needed to go and do things as a family. It's not easy to go places with all eight of us, but that hasn't stopped our family from going on lots of picnics, parks, restaurants, trips (complete chaos with 8 of us on the airplane), amusement parks, boating, road trips, etc. It's always a workout but usually worth it in the end.

Father's Day was filled with cards and gifts . . . lots of ties. He got a couple of ties from me and each of the kids made him a tie (a white tie that they decorated in Primary), Mia made him a tie in nursery, Griffin gave him a chocolate gold medal and Jack bought him a card and cow tales candy but Ryan ate it before Jack had a chance to give it to him (the fun of sharing a room with a little brother).
I love that he proudly wore all of his gifts around his neck at church. Looking like a big BYU fan . . . Ryan's and Griffin's ties both had BYU written on them. The strange thing is that Griffin only knows how to write his name and the writing looked a little too polished to be his own. I guess his Primary teacher is a BYU fan and thought Gavin should be too.
Thank you Gavin for being such an incredible dad!

We had a Father's Day celebration at our house with some of my family and some of Gavin's family. Gavin chose his favorite meal for the dinner--Hawaiian Haystacks.
The cousins all had a great time together

and so did the adults