Saturday, September 27, 2008
Bee happy!

Thursday, September 25, 2008
One special girl and a birthday!
Morgan is now six years old! The birthday celebrations started in the morning at Kindergarten. Griffin, Mia and I took a little birthday treat (ice cream sandwiches) for the class to sing to her. She was so excited to have us (especially Griffin) there and be a part of her school day. She and Griffin sat down next to each other in circle time and had a great time singing together. Morgan was singing all the words and enthusiastically doing all of the actions to "Dem Bones" for me. Just as I was starting to think how wonderful it was to see Morgan so social, talkative and outgoing in her new class, I overheard the teachers commenting about how Morgan had really come out of her shell today. So I asked them how Morgan usually acts in class -- usually really quiet and shy. I start volunteering in her classroom next month and hopefully that will help her to get more comfortable and outgoing so her teachers are able to see all that she CAN do!
Morgan showing off her "ankle bone" in Dem Bones
Her birthday party was that night at the rec center. She loved opening presents, eating cake and ice cream and swimming in the splash zone. She and Griffin stuck together the whole time. They are so cute to watch together. They are very dependent on each other and best friends (even with all the bullying Morgan has given him in his short lifetime). If Morgan was nervous to go out into the deeper area, she just made sure to hold Griffin's hand and knew if Griffin could do it than she could, too.
Make a wish!
Morgan and family
- Morgan was delivered by her dad at home. We didn't know before Morgan was born that she had Down syndrome. I was sent home from the hospital in 'false labor' and got into the bathtub to help with the pain. Morgan was born about 45 minutes later. Gavin did a great job as my OB and used a shoelace to tie off the cord until the paramedics arrived a few minutes later to take us to the hospital. We found out about 6 hours after her birth (we hadn't seen her that whole time) that they suspected Down syndrome.
- Morgan has a very unique personality. It is easy for her to get labeled as "happy and sweet", but she is anything but a label! She experiences all emotions just like everyone else.
- She absolutely LOVES Barney!
- She loves to cut her hair! (Just check out all the recent pics on the blog)
- She loves to listen to her music in the car, but at headache decibel levels. "Turn it up, please." (I turn it up a little.) A few seconds later, "Turn it up, please." (Again I turn it up a little.) "Mom, TURN IT UP!!" Yes, we have had her hearing checked and she hears just fine! :)
- She is a great teacher. She has taught our family about unconditional love, acceptance, and the potential each individual has to make a difference in this world.
We love you so much Morgan!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
HE always has the BEST ideas
Look how great these pictures are! Bob Crawford has pictures like this framed on the wall in his basement. They look great - we could do the same with these. We will need some with Jack - We could use soccer and basketball as well. Hadley and dance. Morgan and her thumb in mouth and finger in eye. Griffin crying. Mia smiling. You -neked.
Monday, September 15, 2008
All American Girl
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Almost six
Ryan had a great game on Saturday. He scored his first touchdown in his football history with a reverse (I pretend to know what that means). Then he did it again after he picked up a fumble. And then he scored one more time, once again with a reverse.
I'm not sure who was more excited after his first touchdown. The proud dad or Ryan.
This is Ryan finishing his 3rd touchdown. I missed the first one since it was one of the first plays of the game and I wasn't quite prepared. Then I missed the second one taking a picture of Morgan. I guess I'm not a very good football photographer. I can barely tell where the ball or Ryan is without a camera in front of my face so don't expect too much when I am trying to watch the game and take pictures of the action as it is occurring!
Grandma and grandpa missed the first touchdown but luckily Ryan had two more so they didn't feel too bad for being a few minutes late to the game.
Mia, grandma, Griffin and grandpa
Hadley and Griffin watching the game
For all of you football fans . . . I will be putting some video highlights from his last few games on here soon.
I LOVE this face . . .

Hadley and Mia
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Looking good!
I don't know if the pictures do this new haircut justice. But she had pigtails and got into my bathroom and somehow got the scissors and cut all of her bangs and top portion of her hair off to almost a buzz length.
This is not the first time Morgan has decided to cut her hair. She seems to get a hold of scissors several times a year (even when I always try to make sure there aren't any in reach) and usually likes to cut her bangs, but this time was a little more extreme. The ironic thing is that on our way home from the football game I told Gavin it was time to schedule our family picture. Maybe we will have to postpone that picture for another year!
Here are some highlight photos of last year's styles from 'Salon Morgan'
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Lessons learned in San Francisco
- Don't jump on the first double decker tour bus available. Be prepared to misunderstand the driver of the bus when asking what makes their bus tour different from the other ones. "Longer" doesn't always mean the actual tour time but could also be the wait for the next bus in between stops. Like 1-2 hours when the other tour buses are available every 15 minutes.
- Don't leave a nursing baby for a 4 day vacation with only a manual breast pump. Inconvenient. Time consuming. And ultimately unsuccessful with keeping milk in.
- Don't wear flip flops on a 12 mile (mostly uphill) bike ride. Also it might be a good idea to be in shape before attempting this ride. And walking up most of the hills with your bike can be kind of embarrassing.
- The great feeling of accomplishment that comes with crossing the Golden Gate Bridge and making it to Sausalido
- Always be prepared. When sharing a room with 3 other girls, you can never be too sure of your cycle.
- Take a blanket with you to the movies. Otherwise you'll leave the movie with sore muscles from being so tense. And it doesn't even help to clench your fists in the "t" position.
- If your name is Rae -- stay away from the clam chowder!! Unless you want to learn more about the restroom at the top of Nike Town.
- San Francisco is a beautiful, windy city!
- Be careful when looking out your hotel window. You may see a naked man talking on his cell phone in the window across from yours. (Sorry no photo)
- When in Chinatown, don't ask the local merchants for restaurant advice. You'll never find the restaurant and end up walking past lots of potential, yummy dining areas.
- Don't worry too much about packing the 'right' outfit. Anything goes in San Francisco.
- The toy stores carry candy jewelry for both children and adults (or Gavin)!
- Be sure to go to Sacrament meeting on Sunday. But whatever you do -- DO NOT walk back to the hotel. This is not the time for missionary work. No matter what the mission president said in his Sacrament meeting talk.
- It is so much fun to hang out with my sweet sisters!
- Take time to eat a $3 cupcake and enjoy the music and sunshine in Ghirardelli Square.
- It's never too early to start planning next year's girl's weekend trip.
- And the #1 thing I learned -- It's always nice to come home and know that you are loved!
Need I say more?

I wonder if other Americans, besides just Gavin and I, had tears in their eyes at the end of her speech when she so proudly held her 'perfectly, beautiful, baby boy' Trig in her arms.