Ultrasound pictures from August
I had my follow up ultrasound this morning to see how the baby's kidneys are doing...Well, it was all good news!! :) The perinatologist said everything looks within normal ranges and he does not recommend any follow up procedures after she is born! Wahoo! It is always nice to get some good news. I wasn't able to see her face this time though. She is currently facing my spine. But it looks like we are still having a girl!Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Sunday (OK ...Monday) Gratitudes
Sundays always seem like such a crazy and busy day for me that I don't get time at night to sit down and reflect on the happenings of the past week and all that I am grateful for! So I will have to make it more of a 'Monday Gratitudes' for me.
- It was so nice to get back to my own home after a week in Mexico. I was sick and so grateful to not have to deal with the health care system in Mexico. For all I know, it could be wonderful...but I didn't want to find out! I have so much that I take for granted each day. I love clean water, my washing machine, dryer and dishwasher the most! :)
- I am so grateful for wonderful family, friends and neighbors that were so willing to offer their service while I was not feeling well. I got a fever and cough in Mexico and by the time I got home it turned into a headache that didn't want to go away. After two days of no relief, I called my wonderful brother-in-law who suggested I just go to the ER to make sure everything was ok. It is always scary to get sick when you are pregnant and aren't sure if the headache is related to the pregnancy or the cough or neither. Within seconds my dear friend, Tiffany, was at the door to take Griffin while we went to the ER. My mother in law was also in town and came over to help get Morgan off the bus and make sure their was a yummy dinner for the family that night. Then my mom took over and helped with the kids. It turns out it was just a migraine (never had one of those before...and hope to never have one again!) and everything was okay. Somehow it quickly spread through my ward that I had had a brain aneurism!! They gave me IV meds in the ER that made me very sleepy. Of course, once again, my mom was more than happy to stay while I slept off all the meds. Dinners were brought in by loving neighbors and my sweet sis-in-law, Annie that didn't even ask but just showed up with a yummy pasole soup that could be warmed up and eaten at any time. I also received many phone calls from concerned family and friends. I am so appreciative of all these acts of kindness! It helped me realize how much more I need to serve others and not just ask if someone needs help but just do it!
- I am grateful to have a new little niece! Lily Brynn was born on Monday (my mom's birthday) and everything is perfect. I still haven't even seen her since I have been sick but she looks absolutely beautiful in the pictures. Congratulations to Laurie and Jason...we are all so excited to have a new little baby in the family and for you two to join us in the joys of parenthood!
- My sweet mom turned 65 this week and I wanted to express my gratitude for her! She really is the best mom! She is always there for all of her children and willing to serve, help, listen, support, love, ...reallyshe will do anything fo any one of her kids! I was lost without her when I was sick and she was still in Mexico. It was so comforting to know she was back home. We had a nice family dinner for her last night with a yummy cake designed by 'Jenny's Sweets' aka Jenny. It really wasn't much for all that she does for all of us but I hope she knows how much we all love and appreciate her!! Happy Birthday Mom!
Green Thumb
The fruits of my husband's labor!
Gavin and I have talked about having a garden from the time we moved into our first home...10 years ago. We had a great area for a nice big garden at that home but never seemed to get around to starting a garden. We moved 3 years later and had a nice big backyard but not really anywhere to garden so once again, never started a garden. Well then we moved last year and still didn't have a 'perfect garden area' but still longed for our own freshly grown veggies. This summer Gavin said he wanted to finally start a garden. But now we had the problem of our 3 rabbits running free in the backyard that had already eaten all of our bushes and flowers. Gavin was still determined. He came home one afternoon with 2 tomato plants that were about 6 inches tall. (Yes, our first attempt was a little bit on the cheating side...we didn't start with seeds.) I think the plants cost about $5/each. He planted them (and quickly had to put chicken wire around them as the rabbits ate half of one in a few hours). Well as you
can tell by my pictures...the tomatoes didn't do very well. Maybe we are just not meant to have a garden or don't really know what we are doing, but we got about 3 tomatoes off the plants. They were all split open and took a very long time to ripen. We still have lots little green tomatoes growing on the vine (is that what it is even called?), but since it is now snowing I think all hope is gone of them changing to red. For the record...I did eat the three tomatoes that did ripen and they were delicious! I also think they were the most expensive tomatoes I have eaten! I love my husband for trying!! I really do have the best husband! I think most would just give up and decide they definitely didn't marry someone very domestic, but not Gavin!
This is what one of the tomato plants currently
looks like...any day now they should be red! :)
Oh, here is one that is splitting and almost
ready to be taken off the vine!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Our Adventures in Puerto Vallarta
We took a family vacation to Puerto Vallarta last week. It was very warm and humid but the kids had the time of their lives! We played on the beach, swam in the pools, went snorkeling, hiked to waterfalls, zip line rides in the jungle, swam
in rivers, had a few pina coladas, shopped at the local flea markets, bought lots of mexican pure vanilla, saw lots of cockroaches and lizards, and oh, of course, we attended a 90 minute time share presentation that made all of the above touring possible! :)
Jack, Ryan and Hadley were such big helpers with their little sister and brother. They pushed their strollers all over town. Morgan quickly learned to say "Hola!" to everyone she passed on the bus and street. From the first day we got there the kids kept saying how they were having so much fun and never wanted to go back home. I was very ready to go back home when the week was over. I got sick the last day and wanted my own bed and home.
in rivers, had a few pina coladas, shopped at the local flea markets, bought lots of mexican pure vanilla, saw lots of cockroaches and lizards, and oh, of course, we attended a 90 minute time share presentation that made all of the above touring possible! :)
Jack, Ryan and Hadley were such big helpers with their little sister and brother. They pushed their strollers all over town. Morgan quickly learned to say "Hola!" to everyone she passed on the bus and street. From the first day we got there the kids kept saying how they were having so much fun and never wanted to go back home. I was very ready to go back home when the week was over. I got sick the last day and wanted my own bed and home.